Discord is the most popular community app used in NFT/Crypto projects. People love it, it’s user-friendly and if you want your project to be a success story you must dedicate time & effort to growing and managing your Discord server.  We cover everything Discord related, from growing your Discord server all the way to collaboration managers and moderators.

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We are using different approaches and strategies in order to give your Discord server a nice boost. Using our Discord Growth services you will get targeted members and insane activity in your Discord server. Each of our clients is getting a custom-made plan & approach on how are we going to handle Discord Growth, each project has its own desires and end goals, and based on that we are preparing a proper plan for each client.
Discord Chatters We will hire real people to boost activity in your Discord channel from different profiles (NFT/Crypto related) and to hype potential investors. each engager can work for 6-8 hours a day. Also, we will create topics for your project to make it look normal and smooth and make your members fear on missing out this project.
Discord Reactions We will add our NFT/Crypto-related Discord Members to your server that will react on any new #announcements or #sneakpeaks or any other channel of your choice.
Discord Online Members We will add ONLINE members to your Discord server to boost the social proof of your project. We want to mention that all of those profiles won't be active in any channel and they are not potential buyers or investors.
Discord Offline Members We will add OFFLINE members to your Discord server to boost the social proof of your project. We want to mention that all of those profiles won't be active in any channel and they are not potential buyers or investors.
Discord Mass DM We will promote your project to members of any other Discord channel. This is awesome way to promote your project to investors from other projects.
Discord Server Creation Having a properly set up Discord Server is a MUST when it comes to managing NFT/Crypto projects. We have a dedicated team with over 5+ experience in the Discord app that will make your Discord server works & looks amazing for new investors.
Our mission is to stop projects from wasting money and time on inefficient and inconsistent marketing strategies. UFO Growth’s main focus is on launching your blockchain project and acquitting new users and investors.