Terms And Conditions
calendar_today 8 August 2022

Terms Of Use

Please read this document carefully in order to understand the Terms of Use of the Services of our Platform and how marketing is carried out in the cryptocurrency market.

These UFO Growth Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”) constitute the terms of the relationship between the UFO Growth Platform and the User during the provision of the Services.

References to the words “we”, “our” or “us” (or similar words within the meaning) mean the UFO Growth.

References to the words “you”, “you” or “your” (or similar words within the meaning) mean our User.

The Platform provides the User with Services for the implementation of marketing Services.

Use of the UFO Growth Platform Services is governed by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


ChatBot – is a program that is designed to simulate the communication of the User with the support service.

Controller – means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that independently or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data.

Cookie – means files that store information about your previous actions on the Platform. For example: date and time of site visit, clicks and transitions.

Cryptocurrency – is a type of digital currency, the issue and accounting of which is based on asymmetric encryption and the use of various cryptographic protection methods, such as Proof-of-work and/or Proof-of-stake.

UFO Growth Platform (hereinafter referred to as the Platform or UFO Growth) – is a marketing service for promoting and advertising products on the Cryptocurrency market.

UFO Growth Website (hereinafter referred to as “Website”) – means a web page or a group of web pages on the Internet through which the User receives the Services and uses the services of the UFO Growth Platform, which are posted on the Internet at the following address: https://ufogrowth.com/.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) – means a regulation within the framework of European Union legislation on the protection of personal data of all natural persons who are citizens of the European Union.

Intellectual Property: any and all of the following elements relating to the provision of the Services including but not limited to: (i) all trademarks, including registered or unregistered trademarks, registered or unregistered service marks, and all translations, adaptations, combinations, applications, registration and renewal in connection with any registered or unregistered trademark or service mark, as well as all trade names, corporate identity and logos; (ii) all copyrights, including all registered copyrights, copyright claims, copyrighted works and unregistered copyrights, and all related applications, registrations and renewals; (ii) all computer software and software licenses (including data and related documentation), source and object codes, databases, Internet domain names, email addresses; (iv) essays, drawings, sketches, lectures, illustrations, photographs, films, scientific and mathematical models; (v) all similar proprietary rights; (vi) trade secrets of any nature, financing, marketing and customer information, technology, know-how, proprietary processes, formulas, algorithms, models and methodologies; (vii) all changes, improvements, copies and tangibles, all recorded material defining, describing or illustrating the foregoing, in any form or medium.

Listing – the process of placing a Cryptocurrency on an exchange to start trading with other assets.

Messenger – means an instant messaging system for communication between the User and the Platform.

Partner – means a legal entity (crypto exchange) through which the Platform provides Listing.

Personal Data – means any information related to the User that is processed, stored, protected and transmitted in accordance with the GDPR.

Privacy Policy – means a document drawn up in writing, which specifies the methods of collection, processing, storage of the Personal Data of the User.

Processor – means a natural or legal person, public authority, institution or other body that processes Personal Data on behalf of the Controller.

Services – it is analytical work using advertising platforms, buying traffic, SEO promotion, using analytics systems and advertising models, social networks, Cryptocurrency media and forums, providing listing using partner’s services, video marketing, developing White Paper documentation, working for White Label concept.

Terms of Use – means a document that provides terms, rules and basic provisions for using the Platform.

Third-party – means a natural or legal person, public authority, institution or body other than the User, Controller, Processor and persons who are authorized by the Controller or Processor under their direct supervision to process Personal Data.

User – means a natural or legal person who receives the Services and Personal Data, whom we process.

User’s Consent (hereinafter referred to as Consent) – means a voluntary, specific, informed and unambiguous expression of will, in which the User, by means of a statement or a clear affirmative action, consents to the processing of his Personal Data.


UFO Growth provides the User with the Services, which are indicated in the following sections of the Website:

  • Trafic.
  • Awareness.
  • Community.
  • Conversation.
  • Exchange.
  • Promotion in ASIA.
  • Packaging.

White Label: The Platform can provide marketing of a product (cryptocurrency) for a company that will release it under its own brand.

Rules For Work With UFO Growth Platform

To receive the Services from the Platform, the User communicates with the Platform employees in one of the following ways:
by writing to the email address: [email protected].
using Messengers: Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook.

Communication in Messengers is carried out using the ChatBot. ChatBot collects preliminary information to provide Services to the User. After receiving preliminary information, further communication is carried out by an employee of the Platform.

The User, after communicating with the Platform, selects the types of Services and terms of cooperation.

The Platform provides Services to the User on the basis of the concluded Service Agreement.The Service Agreement defines the terms, conditions and cost of providing the Services.

About UFO Growth Platform

At UFO Growth, we offer the best ICO Marketing solutions. ICO means Initial Coin Offering which is an alternative fundraising mechanism for startups to sell their crypto tokens in exchange for other cryptocurrencies.

We deliver Services and offer optimized, stable ICO development solutions which are tailor-made to match User’s requirements. UFO Growth provides to the Users solutions: ICO platform, creating landing pages, creating and distributing tokens, writing White Papers, Pre-ICO, Post-ICO services, and Blockchain software development.

Having completed more than 40 projects, we are also happy to offer free trials. Our team consists of 8 experts who are knowledgeable and well-versed in the ICO industry. We believe that with the right marketing strategy, a successful ICO PR campaign can help raise the funds required to propel your project forward.

You can familiarize yourself with our team using the section of the Website: Team.

You can read reviews about the quality of our work in the section of the Website: Testimonials.

Social Networks

The Platform actively positions its Services on social networks and provides the User with additional information on the blog pages.

Users are given the opportunity to get additional information about Cryptocurrency marketing on the blog pages.

The Platform publishes the latest Cryptocurrency marketing news on the Telegram news channel. Users, using the Telegram news channel, can get additional information, get acquainted with the latest news and trends in the field of Cryptocurrency marketing.

You can get acquainted with information about the activities and employees of the company, information and the latest trends in the marketing of Cryptocurrency, specialization and policy for the provision of Services, using the social network: linkedin.

Owner Rights

Receive reliable Personal Data from the User.

Use Cookies when providing the Services.

Interact with other services and Partners.

Transfer Personal Data to Third parties, in accordance with the terms of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Grant the right of limited access to the Personal Data of the Users to its employees, Controller, Processor and support staff in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Disclose Personal Data to Third parties, Partners, courts, law enforcement and government agencies, in cases provided for by the Privacy Policy.

Disclose Personal Data to Third parties, Partners, courts, law enforcement and government agencies, in cases provided for by the Privacy Policy.

Unilaterally refuse to interact with the User in case of non-payment by the User and/or violation of the Privacy Policy and/or Terms of Use.

Unilaterally amend the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

User Right

Receive Services from the Platform in the field of Cryptocurrency marketing.

Ability to work on the concept White Label.

Carry out a Listing with the help of the Platform Partners.

Receive customer service and technical support.

Intellectual Property Statement

All exclusive Intellectual Property rights and their elements, belong exclusively to the Owner.

The User acknowledges and agrees that the Owner owns all intellectual property rights in relation to the Services.

The User is responsible for the legality, reliability, integrity, accuracy and quality of the Personal Data that he provides to the UFO Growth.

The User grants the Owner a non-exclusive right to use, copy, process and transfer his Personal Data, during the period of using the Services.

Notice Of Upsates To Terms Of Use And Privacy Policy

The UFO Growth Platform notifies the User about the update of the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy using e-mail messages or a pop-up window that may be placed on the pages of the UFO Growth Website.


The Office of Platform UFO Growth is located in the city of Moscow, Russian Federation and the User’s Personal Data can be transferred to the territory of the Russian Federation.If the User continues to use the Services of the Platform, then we have the right to assume that the User expresses his Consent to the transfer of his Personal Data to the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Owner is not responsible for the actions of the User that were committed by him as a result of a misunderstanding or misunderstanding of the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

We are not liable for any consequential, actual or consequential damages, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages or they have arisen due to negligence.

The Owner’s liability for any claims related to the provision of the Services cannot exceed the total amount of the monthly payment for the provision of the Services.

To the extent permitted by law, we provide the materials and Services “as is”. This means that we do not make any guarantees, including, but not limited to, guarantees for the marketing of Cryptocurrency.

We use Cookies to improve the quality of our services. If you continue to use the Platform Services, we have the right to assume that you agree to the use of Cookies.

The UFO Growth notifies the User that his Personal Data may be used by us for the purpose of providing the Services, and, in case of disagreement, the User must leave the UFO Growth Website.

Listing is carried out by Partners and UFO Growth is not responsible for the actions of such Partners. The User is solely responsible and liable for the payment of all commissions and fees associated with the Listing, and also assumes the risks associated with specifying and incorrect payment details.

Governing Law

The relationship between the Owner and the User is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

All disputes arising from these Terms of Use or arising in connection with the relationship of the parties will be considered in the courts of England and Wales and governed by the norms of England and Wales.


If you would like to ask questions, leave feedback, get advice about the Services provided, or are concerned about interacting with the Platform, please contact support at:[email protected].